
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

~Winter Wonderland~

I recently had the moment to enjoy some relaxation in the Adirondack Mountains.  My husband and I started the tradition of spending a day in Lake Placid, NY every year before the stress of the holidays.  Though mind you I ALWAYS seem to find a way to still stay stressed out about 1:  all the wrapping left to do while I am lounging by a fireplace completely relaxed.....and 2:  all the glorious food I have left to prepare for our annual family Christmas Dinner.  This year is a very strange year for NY living up here most of my life;  I remember how most Halloween are spent bundled up in snowsuits due to being the first day of fallen snow.  Not this year!  This year it was 50+ degrees and amazing enough you didn't freeze your fingers off.  So far this has been a continued the point that we even reached some 50+ degree days in November (again VERY unheard of in the "mountains").  Going to Lake Placid we figured we could at least see snow (because at this point its Christmas time and us NYers are ready to see some snow so it REALLY feels like Christmas) in the mountains.  Upon our arrive it was breezy warm and no less than again...40 degrees.  As a true North Country girl I was starting to think that I was not going to see a white Christmas after all (and I don't think I ever remember there NOT being a white Christmas!).

As an example this is what we arrived to:

Come on this is home to the 1980 WINTER Olympics Should be snow and no green :-/   
But....Then we woke up to this and all is right in the world again.....

Yes there is a Santa and indeed he DID bring us the "white" Christmas we had all been waiting for.

Happy Holidays to all the fans and friends of Lori Hickman Photography.  May 2012 bring you all excitement and joy.  As always as you are enjoying your Holidays please think of those that are overseas protecting our country and not sitting at that chair at a family's dinner table this year.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

~Class of 2012~Taylor~

Today I had the great opportunity to capture Miss Taylor's Senior Portraits.  Note that this was our 2nd attempting at taking them as the past few weeks have decided to give Upstate NY all the rain it has been needing in the past year (all this week).  The beautiful fall foliage and an afternoon sunset on the St. Lawrence provided the perfect backdrop for this sweet senior.  Congrats Taylor on your Senior year!

Monday, October 10, 2011

~Class of 2012~Becca~

Today I had the opportunity to photograph a beautiful senior.  Becca has a beautiful smile and a great sense of humor that made the session go by so fast!  The end results were amazing with so many beautiful edits to choose from!  I wish you nothing but the best the remainder of your Senior year and look forward to capturing your portraits in the spring with the official cap and gown! 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

~R Family Portraits

Today I had the pleasure of capturing that special family moment for the R family!  This is the 2nd year that I have photographed this family and this one was SO special.  First being the new family member baby Benjamin that has joined the family this year and second being this year the portrait was NOT taken during a R&R!  As always daughter Molly always puts a smile on your face the moments were priceless!  Unfortunately thanks to the military having their ways The R Family will be moving to another duty station soon but I do hope the military has us cross paths again...if not we will definitely be long time friends. 

Something about a Daddy that will do anything to make his little princess laugh!

Baby Benjamin has grown SO much since his newborn portraits!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

~Class of 2012~Jeremy~

Today I had the pleasure of doing senior portraits of a one of a kind guy!  You may remember Jeremy from Jr Prom portraits that I did of him and fellow Senior Rep Emily C.!  Jeremy is a fantastic senior that keeps you on your toes.  The senior session went by so fast only due to the laughs that Jeremy creates.  As you can see it took a while to get him serious but once he did we got TONS of splendid portraits!  Congrats Jeremy on your Senior year!  I have no doubt you will do awesome!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

~Buck Wedding~

On a glorious Labor Day weekend I got to spend the beautiful (and hot!) day with my childhood friend as she became a lovely glowing bride.  I have known the bride since Jr High and the groom since High School.  Seeing them join their two families into one was such a beautiful inspiring moment.  The vows were so touching and personal and left not a dry eye (even the said photographer!) .  The theme/atmosphere of the wedding was FUN!  Let me tell you there was nothing short of fun at this wedding.  In a way it was a reunion of so many friends it felt like we were back in school again (only this time a bit more mature...mind you only a bit).  The evening ended off with the groom's band taking the stage making the event one you will never forget.

Thank you Kris and Justin for letting me be your photographer and capture all the moments for your wedding (even the posed shots I dragged you guys through!)  I wish you nothing but the best and a lifetime of happiness!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Emily~Class of 2012

This weekend I had the pleasure of capturing the Senior Portraits of Lori Hickman Photography's Senior Rep for the Class of 2012 Miss Emily C.  You may recognize Emily as I have photographed her recently for her Jr. Sr. Prom!  This was a very special Senior Portrait for her family as it was photographed in the Adirondacks; Plattsburgh, NY.  The hometown of both of her parents; a Military family.  A lot of the locations for Emily's photoshoot were places her parents enjoyed growing up at her age.  It was a great surprise for her Dad who is currently deployed with the 10th Mountain Division!

There are so many favorites from this session it truly is hard to display only one for the blog.  I suggest you view the entire collection at the Lori Hickman Photography website!

As always trust in Lori Hickman Photography for all your Senior Portrait needs.  Senior Portrait schedules are filling up fast please schedule soon to ensure your photos are edited in time for your yearbook deadlines!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ransom-Maternity session

Today I had the pleasure of capturing the special moment of the last few weeks leading up to a delivery.  I was so happy to capture these photos for the Ransom family before their latest bundle of joy arrives.  It was a beautiful day which added to the wonderful photographs we were able to capture.  It was great seeing how Big Sister Molly is so excited to meet her little Baby Brother!

Remember at Lori Hickman Photography we are able to capture any and all your special family moments!  Contact us today to schedule your portrait session!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Freebie Tuesday

Thanks to all the fans of Lori Hickman Photography as we continue to celebrate our 1 year anniversary!  This weeks giveaway is something pretty special that I think new and former customers will enjoy!

This weeks giveaway will be a gift certificate worth $10 that can be used at!  This gift certificate will be good for 90 days after the day it is emailed to the customer and can not be combined with free shipping discount codes.  Winner will be choosen again by if there is more than 1 person that comments.  To enter comment to this blog post with your email address!  Contest will end Tuesday the 21st of June!

When commenting choose anonymous and you can comment that way if you are having difficulties :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Freebie Tuesday!

Thank you to those that have entered the last giveaway!  Your support means so much to Lori Hickman Photography!  This week we are giving away a very special session.  This freebie is aimed for the new love of your life...your newborn!

With this freebie session you will receive:
*2 hr photo session at destination of parents choice (studio or your own home for a lifestyle portrait session)
*1~DVD with all edited portraits
*1~Hardcover photo album to include all edited portraits from session
*1~Portrait package to include:
*Online viewing for friends and family for 90 days from session

This Session will be good for 60 days from the newborn's birth date for optimum newborn portraits you the parents can treasure (ideally newborn portraits should be completed within the first 2 weeks of life). 

Please comment with your email address to this blog post.  Selection of the winner will be completed by  Winner will be selected Tuesday June 14th!  If you have won any other contests or promotions in the past 90 days please do not enter.

As always if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at  

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tuesday Freebie!

In honor of celebrating our 1st year as Lori Hickman Photography I am offering a special freebie once a week to one very special fan!

On Tuesday; June 7th, 2011 I will offer 1~one hour session to a Lori Hickman Photography fan.  For this weeks theme is for a toddler from the ages of 1yr-3yrs in the Watertown area.  The first one to comment on this offer with their email address will be the selected winner.  Due to the nature of Facebook no longer allowing fan pages to do "giveaways and contests" sadly it must be done through the blog!

Be sure to share Lori Hickman Photography with your friends!  Most of all thank you to all the customers of the past year for making Lori Hickman Photography the success that it is!  As always if you have any questions please feel free to email

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

~Facebook Fan Sale~

In honor of celebrating my 1st yr in business as a photographer I am giving back to my loyal customers! 

*Facebook Fan Sale* Order $25 in reprints and receive $10 off! This is the time to order those big prints or canvases that you wish to have! Perfect for Father's Day gifts! Use coupon Code FBFan at checkout!

**Offer expires June 12th 2011**

Thank you for your continue business and I look forward to capturing those precious moments for new and current customers! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

**Announcing** ~Senior Portrait Specials for the Class of 2012~

Its your time to shine future Seniors of 2012! At Lori Hickman Photography we pride ourselves on giving you economical choices during these tough economic times. However our economic choices do not tear you away from the main thing...QUALITY!

This Senior year Portrait season I have organized 3 different value packages to satisfy not only the Senior but also the parent! I look forward to serving the North Country Seniors and making your Senior year a memorable one! Congratulations and enjoy 2011~2012 the year will go by faster than you think!

Preview our new Senior packages *here*

and as always if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at my email

Monday, May 16, 2011

Emily and Jeremy~Jr Prom 2011

Slideshow of the recent Jr Prom Couple I got to photograph. Here's to the Class of 2012!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Emmalin~6 Months

I had the pleasure of photographing baby Emmalin and her sister Kennady! Miss Emmalin is a premmie who has come a long ways! She is just a doll. I look forward to capturing both of these girls pictures this summer! Thank you to the Duval family for letting me capture your beautiful daughters' smiles again!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is in the air..

The past week has left me out of state as my husband had medical leave in Washington DC.  The fresh air was wonderful however seeing all the green buds and the fact that Spring WAS happening somewhere was rejuvenating!  While down there I was able to see one of my oldest (or is the better word longest) best friends and tour the botanical gardens of our Nation's Capital.  We stayed in DC the week prior to the annual national cherry blossom festival.  Add in the great weather and I was able to see the blooms before we headed back home to the great state of New York (where we met snow along the trip home).  So I leave you with one of my favorite photographs from the past week.  Its amazing how a week's worth of sunshine can make you feel.  Spring IS in the air and coming soon just in time for all those memorable moments such as Prom and wedding season.  Easter portrait special is still currently going on till the end of April and I will have appointments free the week of Spring Break both in Watertown and up north.

To see additional photographs please check the webpage at Washington DC Photographs

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby S~Valentine's 2011 Continued....

On Friday I got to finish the Valentine's Day photoshoot of little baby S.  She was full of smiles today versus the other day when she had just had immunizations.  She is definitely a daddy's girl and was full of smiles every time he would try to make her laugh.  She is such a pleasure to photograph and I look forward to doing Spring photos with her family (once the snow decides to take a trip of course!)

Sneak peek here that will not be seen on Facebook!

So glad she is feeling much better today! 

Don't forget to check out Lori Hickman Photography on Facebook and on the web for all your personal photography needs. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Family Weekend!

This weekend was spent away with my family to the great area of the Adirondack mountains! We had so much fun and included a great trip around Lake Placid escorted by these gorgeous blue eyed guys! Definitely highly recommend Dog Sledding by the golden arrow resort!

On top of that excitement we also saw the historic Saranac Lake Winter Carnival which of course included their wonderful Ice Castle this yr medieval times was the theme!

(taken on our getaway weekend December 2010)

Highly recommend the Adirondack mountains as a great getaway while enjoying your time in the great state of New York!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby S~Valentine's 2011

Today I got to capture Miss S's First Valentine's Day with photos!  What a precious peanut she was even though she received immunizations this morning!  We will be finishing this photo shoot at a later date as she wasn't feel so well towards the end!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Kayla Mae~Valentine's Day

This past weekend I enjoyed doing a portrait session with my own daughter for her Valentine's Day photos.  She has so much fun posing for me but truly the fun is seeing herself on my camera and on the "big screen" my 27" iMac I do all my photography edits on.  I am so thrilled to have my new backdrops arrive as much as I LOVE doing portraits outdoors this North Country weather does not always cooperate.  Though do not let the snow and cold weather keep you away from doing outdoor photos!  Lori Hickman Photography where we capture those moments to last a lifetime!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Welcome to Lori Hickman Photography!  I hope you enjoy your visit and explore the opportunities for one of a kind photography.  At Lori Hickman Photography we maintain our creativity so no 2 portraits are ever alike.  We believe in a customized settings no cookie cutter service is provided at Lori Hickman Photography.  Our rates are low to satisfy our customers and keep them coming back for more.  We believe that our customers should be proud of the images we capture just as much as we are!  Go ahead and browse our website.  If there are any questions you have please don't hesitate to ask!  Feel free to send me an email

Lori Hickman Photography

Become a fan on Facebook!