
Thursday, September 22, 2011

~R Family Portraits

Today I had the pleasure of capturing that special family moment for the R family!  This is the 2nd year that I have photographed this family and this one was SO special.  First being the new family member baby Benjamin that has joined the family this year and second being this year the portrait was NOT taken during a R&R!  As always daughter Molly always puts a smile on your face the moments were priceless!  Unfortunately thanks to the military having their ways The R Family will be moving to another duty station soon but I do hope the military has us cross paths again...if not we will definitely be long time friends. 

Something about a Daddy that will do anything to make his little princess laugh!

Baby Benjamin has grown SO much since his newborn portraits!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

~Class of 2012~Jeremy~

Today I had the pleasure of doing senior portraits of a one of a kind guy!  You may remember Jeremy from Jr Prom portraits that I did of him and fellow Senior Rep Emily C.!  Jeremy is a fantastic senior that keeps you on your toes.  The senior session went by so fast only due to the laughs that Jeremy creates.  As you can see it took a while to get him serious but once he did we got TONS of splendid portraits!  Congrats Jeremy on your Senior year!  I have no doubt you will do awesome!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

~Buck Wedding~

On a glorious Labor Day weekend I got to spend the beautiful (and hot!) day with my childhood friend as she became a lovely glowing bride.  I have known the bride since Jr High and the groom since High School.  Seeing them join their two families into one was such a beautiful inspiring moment.  The vows were so touching and personal and left not a dry eye (even the said photographer!) .  The theme/atmosphere of the wedding was FUN!  Let me tell you there was nothing short of fun at this wedding.  In a way it was a reunion of so many friends it felt like we were back in school again (only this time a bit more mature...mind you only a bit).  The evening ended off with the groom's band taking the stage making the event one you will never forget.

Thank you Kris and Justin for letting me be your photographer and capture all the moments for your wedding (even the posed shots I dragged you guys through!)  I wish you nothing but the best and a lifetime of happiness!